

Link to interactive prototype:

 Link to the video presentation: 



                                                                                    HOME SCREEN


   A user creates profile    User can choose interests either by speaking or selecting from given list 


    User can select either to "Video call" or "Share something to his/her chosen interest group" or "Schedule a discussion on any topic"

1. Instant Video Call feature


User can choose participants to video call, he can choose either "One of his whole interest group as for eg. a group of people interested in talking about Health" or "any particular individuals". On the right side is the screen during the video call where all features are shown in form of 'big icons'. 

2. Sharing thoughts within mutual Interest groups and communities  


User selects the group in which he/she want to share and then chooses the format - video or audio or text message 

3. Scheduling 'Mel-Milaap'/Discussions on any topic


For scheduling a virtual 'Mel-Milaap', the user has to select time, date, the topic of meeting (given as per the interest groups of the user) and can add some description about the meeting



The call for meeting to all the chosen participants will go at the scheduled time of the meeting. Also, voice and text messages/notifications would be sent as soon as the meeting is scheduled, to inform them about the meeting.



                                      People in the virtual meeting